Yugoslav Spiral of Violence: March 1991.

Rarely is the fate of a society made in a month, but March 1991 certainly felt that way in Yugoslavia.

Amid the general erosion of security (1), this month began with a serious armed incident in Pakrac (2), and continued with mass demonstrations in Belgrade (3). As the events were unfolding at lightning speed, military-civilian relations were disrupted to the brink of a coup (4). The tension was not reduced either by secret talks in Karađorđevo (5) or public negotiations in Split (6) between key political protagonists. By the end of the month, they resorted to weapons again in Plitvice (7), while the country oscillated between war and peace.

This documentary reconstruction of a turning point in our recent past aims at opening some questions. Was the point of no return reached in March 1991 for the dissolution of Yugoslavia? Or was it the end point of a longer process? Was it possible to stop the spiral of violence before it escalated into a war?






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